LED 101
Loved by celebrities, influencers and skincare experts, LED light therapy has been used for decades to treat all kinds of skin concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, blemishes and dark patches.
Nowadays, you don’t need to spend hundreds of pounds in salons to access this revolutionary skin treatment - we’re bringing you affordable, easy to use LED light therapy solutions you can use in the comfort of your own home.
LED Light Therapy has been around since the sixties and used by scientists and salons for everything from growing plants to healing wounds. It is not a new technology, but only recently has it become compact enough and affordable enough for people to use in their own homes.

LED light therapy uses concentrated light from the visible light spectrum (rainbow) to penetrate below the skin’s surface to target and treat different skin conditions such as fine lines + wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, acne, blemishes and scarring.
Different lights penetrate the skin at different levels, triggering different responses.
In the middle of the electromagnetic spectrum (from Gamma Rays to Radio Waves), you have the visible light spectrum.
The electromagnetic spectrum is measured in wavelengths - depending on how long or short these wavelengths are (measured in ‘nm’), they penetrate the skin at different depths.
Red LED = 620-750nm
Yellow LED = 590-620nm
Blue LED = 476-495nm

LED Light Therapy is a non-invasive and completely painless treatment that can slot easily into your daily skincare routine.
It can help to treat a number of different skin conditions easily, effectively and cheaply at home.
620-750 nm
Red LED light therapy improves skin firmness and can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, giving skin a more radiant glow.
Penetrating the deepest of the 3 light therapies, red light reaches the deep tissue to encourage cell renewal and boost collagen production. It has been known to help heal wounds, reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles and improve skin conditions such as rosacea, psoriasis and eczema*.

590-620 nm
Yellow LED light therapy stimulates blood flow to the skin, leaving it feeling more radiant and glowing.
Yellow light reaches below the skin’s surface, where your blood vessels are. When the energy of the LED light stimulates blood flow, not only does this bring more oxygen to the area, but it also helps to remove toxins.This can result in the skin looking more radiant - giving it a ‘glow’.
Yellow LED light therapy is an excellent remedy for inflammation which may be caused by thread veins, rosacea or sensitivity*.
476-495 nm
Blue LED light therapy targets oil producing follicles, making them less active. It decongests below the skin’s surface and regular use can treat spots, blemishes and reduce the appearance of scars.
At the shortest wavelength, blue LED light works at the surface of the skin and has been shown to reduce the bacteria that causes acne. It’s important to remember that there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution to acne, or even one type of acne, and blue light therapy is not a guaranteed cure. However, it has been known to reduce activity in sebaceous glands and inflammation*.

*Always consult your doctor/dermatologist/clinician for further advice on acne, rosacea, psoriasis and eczema as conditions vary from person to person.
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